Old Growth Protected on Former Pacific Lumber Lands

Tree Sitters Descend When New Owners Humboldt Redwood Co. Deliver Message Directly to Them Eureka, CA-Community residents and forest activists from the redwood region and far beyond Humboldt County in Northern California, were relieved and elated as news spread of an unprecented commitment by Humboldt Redwood Company (HRC) owners of what was Maxxam/PL land to spare the Nanning Creek and Fern Gully ancient groves where tree-sits have been keeping chain saws at bay. The message was delivered directly to tree-sitters and included a commitment to further protect from future cutting all old growth 250 years old or more. “Old Growth …

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It’s a Done Deal: Maxxam Out of the Redwoods

Pacific Lumber Redwoods ALERT It is a done deal. By the end of the day today, new owners will have taken over the Pacific Lumber Co. and the town of Scotia, through proceedings ending in bankruptcy court in Texas. The new company will be called Humboldt Redwood Company. The resolution ends two decades of aggressive industrial logging in this precious ecosystem by Maxxam Corporation and Charles Hurwitz, and two decades marked by an incredible outpouring of support for the forest and its species: a campaign characterized by the best of grassroots organizing and legislation, tree-sits, massive rallies, boycotts, shareholder organizing, …

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Texas Judge Denies Stay in PL Case–Company Nearly in Mendocino Redwood Co.’s Hands ** Court Decision on Oak Grove Tomorrow: Vigil at Oaks Tonight and Tomorrow

*Texas Judge Denies Stay in PL Case–Company Nearly in Mendocino Redwood Co.’s Hands* *Court Decision on Oak Grove Tomorrow: Vigil at Oaks Tonight and Tomorrow* Judge Confirms Approval of Mendocino Redwood Co. July 15 It has seemed to drag on forever, though sometimes the twists and turns have been swift and interesting, but in all likelihood it will soon be over. One certainly that has remained the last several months is that Charles Hurwitz and Maxxam Co. are sinking below Humbolt’s horizon. Though Corpus Christi Judge Richard Schmidt cleared the way for Mendocino Redwood Co (MRC) to become the new …

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Judge Delays Final Ruling Awarding Company to Mendocino Redwood Co.

Pacific Lumber Bankruptcy UPDATE As noted in our last update on the long saga of Pacific Lumber bankruptcy and the impending departure of PL/Maxxam from Humboldt County, Judge Richard Smith, presiding over the bankruptcy case since it was first filed in January 2007, chose the reorganization plan of Mendocino Redwoods Co. over the creditor Noteholders’ plan for an asset auction. In order to give the Noteholders time to respond, he scheduled a hearing a week out to codify his decision. He has now rescheduled that hearing, which was scheduled to take place today, for June 30. While Judge Schmidt said …

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Pacific Lumber Bankruptcy Resolved: Maxxam is out of the Redwoods!

Maxxam has left the building. Almost. The much anticipated decision in the Pacific Lumber bankruptcy case came down today with a decision that takes control of Humboldt County’s redwoods out of Maxxam/Hurwitz/Pacific Lumber hands, at long last. Our rallying cry of the last 2 decades: MAXXAM OUT OF HUMBOLDT! has finally come to pass! I paste links to several news stories below, and to EPIC’s press release, to round out the information for you. Judge Richard Schmidt ruled today in the Corpus Christi, Texas court that has been hearing the case since January, 2007, that of those vying for control …

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Pacific Lumber Bankruptcy Update & Judi Bari Day

:::::: Update on Pacific Lumber bankruptcy case. The end is very near! :::::: Redwood forest-watchers might want to check out news from the final hearings in bankruptcy court down there is Corpus Christi, Texas. The judge is expected to render a decision soon. Come to the BACH update meeting May 29 : Eureka Reporter story about Sierra Pacific Industries bid Community Forestry Team’s David Simpson’s blog from the courtroom and a press release sent out Friday on behalf of EPIC, ForestEthics, Ebbets Pass Forest Watch and us, Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters: ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS RAISE ALARM OVER SIERRA PACIFIC BID …

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Pacific Lumber Bankruptcy Update

PACIFIC LUMBER BANKRUPTCY UPDATE from the Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters May 3, 2008 For those of you following the unfolding drama of the Pacific Lumber bankruptcy story, there is much to report, but it’s not over yet. After this week’s proceedings in Corpus Christi court, resolution is still at bay, but things are evolving faster and bit more furiously than in previous months. A decision regarding management of the company and its redwood holdings is close. For now, I will let a fairly comprehensive news clip and the blog of court observer (and Humboldt county resident and Community Forestry …

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Pacific Lumber Bankruptcy Update

>< PACIFIC LUMBER BANKRUPTCY UPDATE from the Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters April 10, 2008 >< update for Pacific Lumber watchers and redwood fans-- This is a big week for the Pacific Lumber bankruptcy case in court in Corpus Christi, Texas. A hearing (actually a confirmation trial) has been going on since Tuesday following voting on various corporate reorganization proposals by the company's creditors. Below are articles from Humboldt papers from the last couple days. (Apologies--the hot links function is not working on the webmail I am sending this from, so paste into your browser.) ***We will send out a ...

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Pacific Lumber Bankruptcy, Bohemian Grove Redwoods and Berkeley Oaks

>< FOREST UPDATES & EVENTS from the Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters April 4, 2008 >< 1. Pacific Lumber bankruptcy case heating up: changes on near horizon 2. Bohemian Grove redwoods threatened again: public meeting 3. Oaks tree-sitters persevere: 500th day celebration ****Everyone is getting into the Act: Lots of hands grabbing at California's redwood forests: Some with good solutions, some not...**** In the latest chapter of the end game of Charles Hurwitz's hold on Humboldt County's redwood forests, the playing field has gotten crowded. In our last update on March 6, we explained who the contenders submitting reorganization proposals ...

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Bankruptcy in the Redwoods, Urban Tree Sit & Great Music

>< FOREST UPDATES & EVENTS from the Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters March 6, 2008 >< Update on redwood and oaks campaigns: Bankruptcy and urban tree-sits Pacific Lumber: Are Hurwitz & Maxxam FINALLY on their way OUT of Humboldt County? We hope. Things have picked up considerable speed in the Pacific Lumber (PL) bankruptcy proceedings, unfolding both up on the North Coast and inside the courtroom down in Corpus Christi, Texas. A critical "Joint Disclosure" hearing took place on Feb. 28 to bring further details on those plans before the court-and to creditors who will vote on reorganization plans, , ...

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