Pacific Lumber Bankruptcy Update & Judi Bari Day

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Update on Pacific Lumber bankruptcy case. The end is very near!
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Redwood forest-watchers might want to check out news from the final hearings in bankruptcy court down there is Corpus Christi, Texas. The judge is expected to render a decision soon. Come to the BACH update meeting May 29 :

Eureka Reporter story about Sierra Pacific Industries bid

Community Forestry Team’s David Simpson’s blog from the courtroom

and a press release sent out Friday on behalf of EPIC, ForestEthics, Ebbets Pass Forest Watch and us, Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters:


Humboldt County, California – A coalition of environmental groups expressed alarm today at news that Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI) has entered the Pacific Lumber bankruptcy process with a bid to purchase and operate Pacific Lumber’s Scotia, California lumber mill. The groups warn that a takeover of any part of Pacific Lumber by SPI would be likely to lead to continued conflict over logging in California’s redwood forests. The groups cited SPI’s record of clearcutting and conversion of timberland, as well as concerns about the company’s aggressive approach to environmental regulation and policy.

“Given SPI’s record, we’d view a takeover of Pacific Lumber by Sierra Pacific as something of a worst-case scenario for Humboldt County,” said Scott Greacen, executive director of the Humboldt County-based Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC). EPIC ‘s long history of litigating against Pacific Lumber Company logging and its present ownership includes the successful campaign to gain permanent protection for the Headwaters Forest.

Longtime Opponents of SPI Join Warning

“Even though more environmentally friendly alternatives exist, SPI persists with a heavy emphasis on outdated and destructive logging practices like clearcutting,” said Josh Buswell, Sierra Campaigner with ForestEthics.

“SPI came into our county promising to be a good neighbor and an asset to our local economy In fact, the results of their activities have been the loss of forest industry jobs for locals, closed mills and thousands of clearcut ares. They’ve been no friend to Calaveras County,” said Addie Jacobson of Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch.

“SPI is among the last large timber companies to aggressively defend the use of clearcutting,” said Sam Johnston, EPIC’s Private Lands Campaigner. “Clearcutting isn’t just ugly; it destroys wildlife habitat, degrades soil fertility, and wrecks water quality.”
“Not only is SPI the biggest clearcutter in the state,” said Karen Pickett, Director of the Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters (BACH), said, “it has also made a practice of selling forestland for development across the northern part of the state.”

Greacen noted that the SPI bid reinforces EPIC’s support for the Pacific Lumber reorganization plan proposed by the Mendocino Redwood Company and Marathon Finance. “One of the key reasons we’ve opposed an auction of Pacific Lumber from the outset was a concern that some or all of the company could fall into the hands of operators who would not be an improvement over PL’s current ownership,” said Greacen.

SPI is owned by the family of Archie “Red” Emmerson, California’s largest landowner. Emmerson appeared in the federal bankruptcy court earlier this week in Corpus Christi, Texas to submit SPI’s bid for Pacific Lumber’s Scotia mill. The SPI bid is tied to efforts by key creditors – entities that own notes secured by the PL timberlands – to force an auction of the timberlands.

:: ><::><::><::><::><::><:: ><::><::><::><::><::><::><::><::><::>< Join Us in Recognition of JUDI BARI DAY: Saturday, May 24 :: ><::><::><::><::><::> <::><::><::><::><::><::><::><::><::><::>< 18 years--hard to believe. It was 18 years ago on May 24, 1990 that a pipe bomb planted under her car seat exploded and nearly killed Judi Bari, and only hours later that she was charged with bombing herself, along with her comrade in the car, Darryl Cherney. It was 11 years ago that Judi, after fighting the FBI, fighting for the forests and the workers, and putting together a Constitutional rights lawsuit against the FBI and Oakland cops, tragically died of cancer at her home. It was 6 years ago that that lawsuit she worked so hard on finally came to federal court, and WE WON in a historic decision challenging COINTELPRO and the FBI's dirty tricks. It was a year later that the city of Oakland declared May 24 Judi Bari Day, and every year since 1990, we remember that warrior woman, remember to never give up the fight, and make sure we never forget that day and understand what the state is capable of when it has no regard for people's rights or Mother Earth. We also celebrate the phenomenal legal victory our amazing legal team won against the FBI won in 2002. We have had rallies at the Oakland federal building, have commemorated the day in many other cities, and have held events at the site of 1990 bomb explosion. This year on Saturday, May 24, we will gather at 11 am at the intersection of Park Blvd and 580/MacArthur Blvd., Oakland, next to Oakland High School. Shortly before noon, we will march the 2 blocks to the location where the bomb exploded, at E. 33rd and Park Blvd for a moment of silence. But the rest of the time we will NOT be silent! Bring music, your thoughts about Judi, your words about the FBI's trambling of activists' rights! Please join us! Look for the colorful banner that says "Don't Ever Give Up!" Info: 510-548-3113 also see -- Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters (BACH) 2530 San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA 94702 phone: 510 548 3113 email:

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