Earth First! Journal Roadshow in Berkeley June 9

The Earth First! Journal–now on the west coast and turning 40! 

Come out and welcome their roadshow to Berkeley

When: Sunday, June 9 – doors at 6, program at 6:30

Where: East Bay Media Center
1939 Addison St., Berkeley

The Earth First! Journal, purveyor of news and cutting edge strategy of the radical environmental movement made their cross-country move to Oregon this year.

Join other rabble-rousers and earth defenders to welcome and support this grassroots media collective in its 40th year. Join us to hear more about this multi-generational project, and why print media is important. The Journal and the EF! Newswire cover direct action earth defense, prisoner support, pipeline campaigns, antifascism, radical strategies to protect water, land, species and sometimes ourselves. And a lot more.

Join the conversation!

For more info about the Journal see
and the earthfirstnewswire.
Event info: