Hike the Headwaters ! 

Join us Sat., September 17 for a Headwaters Hike along the Salmon Pass Trail, in the Headwaters Forest Reserve, and relive the history of the struggle to protect Headwaters, while learning about the contemporary challenges for management, conservation, and restoration, in the reserve, and elsewhere in the redwood region.


This hike will mark the 20th anniversary of the huge rally to save the Headwaters Forest in 1996, when 1033 people were arrested in a mass civil disobedience action. It will be led by an EPIC staffer who is also a docent with the Headwaters Forest Reserve.


This is a free public hike. Meet at Newburg Parkin Fortuna September 17 at 10 am. For more information contact rob@wildcalifornia.org, or call 707-822-7711 (EPIC).


September 15 is the date marking the end of the marbled murrelet’s nesting season, and the beginning of the logging season. 20 years ago, on September 15, 1996  about 6,000 people showed up for the traditional Sept. 15 rally in Carlotta, where 1033 were arrested at Fisher Gate: the largest civil disobedience action in the history of the forest preservation movement.

To see a chronology of the Headwaters Forest Campaign, visit our website at HeadwatersPreserve.org.



Distance: The Salmon Pass Trail, on the south end of the Headwaters Forest Reserve, is a 3-mile loop hike.


Difficulty: The difficulty of the hike on the Salmon Pass Trail is rated as “easy,” and should be accessible to most hikers of general skill and ability levels.

This hike will be led by EPIC staff, and topics to be covered will include the ecology, sociology, history, management, protection, and conservation of our public parks and reserves in the redwood region.


As always, please be prepared for conditions generally found in North Coast forests. Layers and sturdy shoes are a must as well as water, and anything else you may need for a great hike in the forest.