Two court reports: Richardson Grove redwoods last week; Willits Bypass Protester in Court this week



Report Back from Jan. 15, 2014 Court of Appeals in S.F. hearing arguments to reverse the previous State Court decision in the Richardson Grove case

EPIC attorney Sharon Duggan delivered excellent and compelling arguments before the 3-judge panel, showing that the potentially catastrophic impacts on the ancient redwoods were not addressed by Caltrans in their EIR, saying “there is nothing minor about 73 redwood trees being impacted.”
This, contrary to Caltrans documents saying there would be “no significant impact” from their pneumonic spade equipment 2 foot deep excavation around the roots of the old growth redwoods.  The Caltrans attorney stumbled and tripped several times, in the opinion of this court observer.
The most promising signs of the day were the probing questions put forward by the judges, one asking Caltrans more than once, “I  have the documents—tell me where I should look—where is the impact discussed?”, noting that in fact, the impact was largely dismissed rather than discussed.

We now wait on the courts on two fronts in the Richardson Grove campaign:
the ruling in this appeal
the reaction to inadequate response filed by Caltrans in the federal Richardson Grove case

Stay tuned!

Willits Bypass protests: Eight years for sitting in a crane?
Press Conference and Rally Thursday January 23, 2014

One Bypass protester the Mendocino Co. DA has particularly targeted is Will Parrish, a Ukiah-based journalist and activist who occupied a wick drain “stitcher” to block the draining of wetlands for Caltrans bypass construction.  The charges against Will were increased and now carry a maximum jail sentence of nearly eight years! Caltrans also claims Will owes them nearly $500,000 in criminal “restitution” for damages they say they incurred as a result of Will’s crane sit. The rights of those practicing civil disobedience is on trial.  The trial is scheduled to begin January 28th at the Mendocino County Courthouse (this date is subject to change – updates here and at